

2014426日,我校MBA教育中心成功邀请新西兰Forsyth Barr Limited金融投资顾问王玉川博士为我校MBA学员作《西方金融危机的根源及货币体系改革》讲座,我校商学院副院长、MBA教育中心主任高峰教授出席并主持了此次讲座活动。
Professional Acreditation 职业资格:
金融投资顾问, 证号 FSP 73101.
Work Experience 工作经历:
2002 3 ~ 2014 2 月: Forsyth Barr Limited, 投资顾问 (AFA);
1998 3 ~ 2002 3 月:Frater Williams Ltd, 证券经纪,投资顾问, 新西兰证交所会员;
1996 10 ~ 1998 3 月:Craig & Co Ltd, 证券经纪,投资顾问;
1987 8 ~ 1993 9 月:山西大学数学系讲师.
1987: 山西大学数学系硕士;
1984: 四川大学数学系学士。
1993 9 ~ 1997 4 , 新西兰怀卡托大学,数学系博士生;
1984 9 ~ 1987 8 , 山西大学,数学系硕士生;
1980 9 ~ 1984 7 , 四川大学,数学系本科生.
Professional Training 职业学习:
1997 : 新西兰戴维福尔曼培训中心,证交所法规与业务;
1998 ~ 1999: 澳大利亚证券学院,资产评估与金融分析,函授。
2013 年加入新中友协New Zealand China Friendship Society Hamilton Branch.
2012 ~ 2013, 怀卡托大学管理学院顾问, 为期两年;
1995 ~ 1996, 怀卡托大学中国学生学者联谊会主席;
1. Douglas Bridges and Wang Yuchuan, Constructive Weak Solutions of the Dirichlet Problem, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 57 (1998) 655 - 667.
2. Douglas Bridges and Wang Yuchuan, Weak Solutions of the Direchlet Problem and the Locatedness of H(). New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, Vol.27 (1998), 1 - 5.
3. Douglas Bridges and Wang Yuchuan, Constructing Best Approximations on a Jordan Curve. Journal of Approximation Theory 94, 222 - 234 (1998), Article No. AT983192;
4. Douglas Bridges, Fred Richman and Wang Yuchuan, Sets, Complements and Boundaries. Indag. Math. Proceedings of Royal Dutch Acad. of Science. N.S. 7(4), 425 -445, Dec. 1996.
5. Douglas Bridges and Wang Yuchuan, Constructing Cutoff Functions. New Zealand J. Math. Volume 26 (1997), 25 - 30;
6. Douglas Bridges and Wang Yuchuan, Constructive Aspects of the Dirichlet Problem. Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol.3 (1997), Issue 11, 1148 - 1161.